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M2 Semester 1 presentation 


I will present different milestones and points of refuge that have condensed during the course of my research. I am happy to expose them, side by side.


In my research, I examine doubt as a method. I research how doubt is an integral part of understanding. 

The Milestones you are going to experience were created as white charcoal at the bottom of a fire. From the blast wave of shifts in metaphysical tectonic plates, from the phase of matter, I didn't know existed.


They condensed on my memory window as different shapes. And as in a car ride on a cold night, I drew the shapes on the window, with an open mouth I watched them fade away, become an integral part of the window, a small layer of fat. I approach the window, open my mouth and exhale warm, deep air. Trying to attribute existence, eternity.  


The same points were created out of intuitive tendencies. Having undergone a special process in the last year and a half, I have been asked to take those ideas, and give them a name, meaning, to justify their existence. That existence for me is self-evident, but when I try to explain it, usually in the middle, my ability to communicate the ideas is full of obstacles. 

These are not new works, as you probably know, my preoccupation with them is ongoing and I could say - tedious. The need to further refine the power of the meaning embodied in them bothers me...


I want you to look at systems from two different angles. One, each system individually, what it contains within it, what hinders it from existing, what are your doubts? 


And the other, to look at all the systems together, where there are connections between them, what is the story created from the montage. Do they support each other? If so, in what form? In what dimension?

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